What We Do

We are committed to respecting life; understanding and appreciating the purpose of each living thing, regardless of species, race, religion, ethnicity, origin, sex, gender, or any other β€œlabel'β€œ given to oppress authenticity.

Although in its early stages of development, C.A.R.E. is commissioned to develop wellness programs, safe and inclusive lodging experiences in AgroTourism, where BIPOC community can retreat and experience healing for mind, body, and spirit.

Our mission has already touched so many lives who have made (re)commitments to serve on the side of LOVE and reject their ego in order to heal. The pursuit of self-actualization is a rocky road far less traveled, and perpetually denied to a people as worthy and deserving as any other.

AgroTourism is a beautiful way to introduce travelers and BnB guests to farm retreats, spiritual centers, and educate others on the significant impacts of gardening/farming, climate, sustainability, Permaculture, and nature therapy. C.A.R.E. is raising awareness for the trauma that white supremacy perpetually inflicts on the BIPOC community, and supporting its community by working to develop healing spaces for BIPOC community and Love Activists can retreat. Our goal is to practice Agrotourism, not only to experience the privilege of rest and peace, but also for climate Justice and the high value of spiritual rehabilitation for a scarred people. There are many people who need your support to share this transformative experience. We hope to gain your support in empowering sufferers of trauma to participate in BIPOC-centered wellness programs that address BIPOC-specific challenges.  


Join us in this movement! #TeamNoFear 

  • We bring awareness to the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome, and racism on the BIPOC community and the necessity for healing to advance the movement in the Black community. This is an ongoing issue that effects the economy, the climate, mental and physical health, and collective consciousness, however, often is overlooked due to deep-rooted miseducation and White supremacy.

  • We also contract with community-based organizations who refer eligible program participants to us to attend our wellness programs at no-cost to them.

  • We prioritize a Time Bank over the use of money, allowing us to barter and trade with our partners, encouraging community in lieu of capitalism.

    With your support, C.A.R.E. will acquire farmland to offer BnB lodging and day experiences.

  • We support under-privileged communities with wrap-around services that provide essentials like housing, family services, food, transportation, healthcare, and employable skills.

The Founder, DeeDee Anderson, has a formal background in Business Management, with a diverse interest in community service, behavioral health & wellness. DeeDee not only has experience as a foster parent, respite worker, tutor, caregiver, and family visit supervisor, but also holds personal experience in recovering from mental & physical health disabilities and sought rehabilitation in 2019 via international travel, AgroTourism, yoga & meditation. DeeDee returned to the United States to participate in a apprenticeship in Permaculture before Founding this innovative project in 2020. Today, she works alongside volunteers around the world for C.A.R.E. causes, works with foster children as a Family Visit Supervisor; supports persons with disabilities as a Certified Peer Counselor; is the the Owner of C.A.R.E. Family Services, LLC; and contributing member of community panels and leadership groups.

We’re building bridges, not walls.

Schedule a consultation with the Founder if you’re interested in a wellness consultation, or to discuss partnership, sponsorship, funding or contracts.

Come and experience good vibes with C.A.R.E., as we explore the root to wellness.