What is Wellness?

What is ‘’Wellness’’?

Wellness is when a person is balanced and at peace with themselves and the world around them. Through a complex network of energetic sources within the body, interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and core beliefs that were both nurtured and received naturally, a person is responsible for navigating this life and finding balance in order to produce a healthy relationship within themselves, their environment and the world around them. 

 The Holy Trinity

Mind. Body. & Spirit.

  • The CARE philosophy posits that the mind is governed by and channels what we perceive as "God," which is synonymous with Love itself. Humans are inherently wired for connection, seeking Love that resides within each individual and links us all. However, historical experiences suggest that doubt seeded by the ego has severed humanity from this perfect Love intended by God. Consequently, we constantly strive to reconnect with this profound source of energy.

    Healing entails overcoming this split caused by ego-driven doubt, dismantling the fear, shame, and guilt it generates. Yet, societal distractions divert us from these essential pursuits. Despite this imbalance, disconnecting from this energy source leads to illness and low energy.

    Rediscovering God becomes imperative during times of imbalance, challenging the ego's defenses and threatening the walls we've erected for protection. This journey may evoke feelings of confusion and delusion as it clashes with our perceived realities. CARE offers a nurturing environment to confront internal struggles, fostering patience and understanding in exercising our beliefs.

  • Our philosophy is that the Spirit is synonymous with the Holy Spirit referenced within the Bible. It is the “breath of life”. Mother Nature herself. There are many ways to describe “that thing” by which no one can measure, record or define by words. Still each one of us feels it and it is what inspires each of us to seek for things, even when we don’t understand what it is that we’re seeking. However defined, the Spirit also lives within us in different measurements and we must learn to master the balance of natural spirit to ensure it doesn’t overcome that contending force of God.

    Spiritual Awakening is necessary when you are out of balance. This journey is very confusing, lonely and painful. But each evolving person must breathe into the discomfort and embrace the challenges with unconditional love and mercy. CARE will give each individual the space to govern themselves and explore on their own, while also maintaining a strict schedule, calendar events, and organized structure to push and test themselves once they are ready.

  • Our philosophy is that the Body is the “new church”, an instrument used to bring balance and wellness to environments that allow us to evolve, and for life on Earth to continue. We are all instruments to balance God, (Mind), and Nature, (Spirit). Like a Universal Body, we each have different functions and missions to keep us healthy, but we must improve our coordination and learn to work together. We can strengthen our individual bodies with exercise and technique, but we can also connect to other powerful individuals in order to strengthen our communities, bringing divine knowledge, wealth and love to all people, even for those who serve themselves and oppose our causes. We believe that the energy we put into our bodies fuel us to do the exhausting work we are commissioned to do and so we treat our bodies as temples.

    Finding yourself is necessary when you are out of balance. This journey takes insurmountable courage of being true to yourself; empowering yourself and loving yourself unconditionally; eliminating fear, shame, and guilt that prevent the confidence to be yourself; and reconnecting with your life’s purpose. This journey will offend every other ego around you and make you feel isolated and anxious. CARE will provide the safe space to realize your Truth, exercise therapies to ease the growing pains, and expand your training.

How Can C.A.R.E. Help?

C.A.R.E. only hopes to foster a safe and encouraging space where each individual can heal themselves by pursuit of their most radical rehabilitation and treatment services, that journey to mend the Mind, Body, & Spirit simultaneously.

It is our mission to understand and advocate for suffering people, and support them in their individualized healing. It is our philosophy that each individual must become responsible for their own wellness and master themselves, but understand and respect that we all are meant to learn from and teach each other in order to grow and work together as a community.

C.A.R.E. Provides

Wellness Programs


AgroTours & Travel


Products & Services


Wellness Programs | AgroTours & Travel | Products & Services |

Detoxification of things such as poor diet, substance abuse, alcohol, unhealthy communication and messaging, and egotistical acts that promote fear and separation. We also encourage “packing light” and removing obstacles, i.e. possessions that keep us tied down.



Educational classes and weekly spiritual studies based on the Bible, A Course In Miracles, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, The Quran, etc. We are not religious, but utilize necessary tools for understanding who we are individually and how we can each bring healthy balance to all life in our unique environments.


Self-Advocacy, Servitude and Activism of Love within our families, our neighborhoods, our communities, our governing bodies, and our international exchanges. Educational classes that explore strengths, values, and encourage discipline and positive habits.

Fitness Training

Fitness training such as yoga, mindfulness & concentration exercises, prayer & meditation, grounding tools, creative expression, therapeutic exercises, outdoor recreational activities, swimming, aerobics, martial arts, and dance expression.

Ways that you can help C.A.R.E.

Donate to our charity via the Washington Combined Fund Drive or our charity GoFundMe

Partner with us by volunteering your time, expertise, or equipment.

Share our story and our causes with everyone that you know! Let’s continue the movement for change. #TeamNOFEAR #bethehealing

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
— Les Brown