Summer Re-Entry Program

C.A.R.E. is taking a crucial stand against the detrimental impact of the prison and foster pipeline system on Black families and communities. With the launch of our SREP (Support and Reintegration Program), we aim to break the cycle by reaching out to Black youth after incarceration. The program goes beyond traditional approaches by providing holistic tools to address not only job readiness, housing, education, and health but also the critical need for healing from personal and family traumas specific to the Black experience. Recognizing the often-overlooked generational trauma, our focus includes Self-Advocacy, Nature Therapy, Individualized Counseling, and Racial Socialization. By directly confronting the effects of PTSS, we strive to empower the youth to better navigate and cope with the challenges posed by an unforgiving and oppressive system. Join us in making a lasting impact on the lives of those affected by the systemic injustices of the justice system.

Our 12-week PILOT program will be a test run that we will operate at the GRuB farm for the summer. GRuB allows us to barter their learning space in exchange for volunteer hours from our participants. GRuB also contributed to the curriculum for Nature Therapy and will help supervise garden projects that participants will complete during Nature Therapy. Those projects will depend on seasonal crops and needs that GRuB and its partners have during that period of time. All volunteer hours are recorded and are scheduled outside of program workshops.

Facilitators of the program components are subcontractors within their respected field, and will provide a syllabus during orientation.

Main Activities Include:

  • Healing Circles

  • Self-Advocacy Workshops

  • Nature Therapy

  • Individualized Counseling

  • Racial Socialization

  • And much more!

Application Requirements:

  • Must be of African ancestry. DNA tests provided to confirm and explore ancestry.

  • Must be between ages of 18-25 years old.

  • Must have/pursuing a High School Diploma/GED.

  • Must show documentation for being a mental health consumer or consumer of supportive services.

  • Must show:

    1. documentation of prior incarceration with Release Date for participation in the Summer Re-Entry Program;

    2. a referral from a Washington nonprofit organization supporting your participation in the Fall Wellness Program; OR

    3. a referral from a Washington post-secondary school honoring your work-exchange for our Winter Wellness Exchange Program.

  • Schedule consultation for Participant ID

12-Week Program Pricing Includes:

  • Orientation: farm tour, safety training, pre-assessment and pre-screenings, networking luncheon, books and materials.

  • Healing Circle: 9-day nutritional detox, journal, guided meditation, and yoga for beginners is repeated three times at the start of each New Moon.

  • Self-Advocacy Training: 40-hour guided workshop building self-awareness, -love, -esteem, and discovering personality, spirituality, and community connections.

  • Nature Therapy: 40-hour guided workshop and curriculum on native plant teachings, herbalism, and natural therapies to boost self-esteem and confidence.

  • Individualized Counseling & Group Support: weekly therapy sessions with a licensed family therapist, group activities and support groups.

  • Racial Socialization Class: 10-20 hour introductory class on heritage and healthy racial integration into family and communities.

  • Graduation: celebratory ceremony luncheon.

  • Referral: graduates are referred to mentorship program and community partners for additional services.


Can vary depending on the size of the cohort. The PILOT program may include 5-10 participants resulting in costs of $15,000-$30,000 per participant, to cover full costs of operation. Interested participants must initiate the process with a referral and/or consultation. Sponsorships will be put towards your parent share of costs.

Interested and Want to help?

Sponsor A Participant

The Sponsor-A-Participant (SAP) Program is an opportunity to make a personal connection with participants who need financial assistance to attend camp. Your sponsorship gives them an opportunity to accept challenges in a manageable environment, build self-confidence, and gain a sense of independence.