
Are you a like-minded or supportive community-based organization looking to market your business?

Join us in CBO Partnership for the sponsorship of program participants to attend wellness programs at no-cost. Sponsors can be individuals or organizations that are aligned with the C.A.R.E. mission and have made a commitment to Spirituality, Sustainability, and Equality. Our Sponsors agree to donate financial benefits in exchange for a personal connection with the sponsored participant(s) and C.A.R.E. will honor each sponsorship.


  • Complete and return the Partnership Pledge Consent Form.

  • Review and agree to the CBO Partnership requirements.

  • Contact us to agree and process your sponsorship payment.

Tier 1

$125 per person (10 maximum in each group)

Get an introductory experience with a guided tour β€œMindful Hiking and Meditation Workshop” with the C.A.R.E. Founder.

Tier 2


  • 9-day Healing Circle & Meditation

  • 1 select Self-Advocacy workshop

  • 1 select Nature Therapy workshop

  • 1 select Racial Socialization workshop

$1,250 per person to attend within a quarter

Tier 3

$3,000 per person to attend for 12 weeks within a quarter


  • 9-day Healing Circle & Trauma-Informed Yoga

  • 10 workshops/sessions of individual component (select 1 of 5 program components)

Tier 4

$15,000 per person to attend for 12 weeks within a quarter

Join 9 other participants engrossed in all 5 comprehensive program components.


  • 9-day Healing Circle & Trauma-Informed Yoga

  • 10 Self-Advocacy workshops

  • 10 Nature Therapy workshops

  • 10 Racial Socialization workshops

  • Counseling Sessions with Licensed Family Therapist