Nature Therapy

Book a 1:1 Coaching Session with Alisa McDuff

Nature Therapy Workshops hosted by Alisa McDuff

Nature Therapy: 40-hour guided workshop and curriculum on native plant teachings, herbalism, and natural therapies to boost self-esteem and confidence.

What is Nature Therapy?

Nature Therapy is a holistic method of addressing trauma by surrounding peers in a natural and organic environment, full of plant and animal life, to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Nature Therapy, also known as ecotherapy, is a practice that involves a broad group of techniques or treatments using nature to improve mental or physical health. It’s based on the theory that humans are an integral part of nature, and that interacting with nature can have a positive impact on our psychological well-being.

This program component is designed around trauma-informed coping skills to reduce stress and anxiety for participants showing symptoms of PTSS. It is a series of 10 6-hour workshops, covering 40 hours of core content, which takes place both indoors and outdoors. Garden supplies and ingredients are provided for projects and activities. Each session will cover native plant teachings, organic recipes with wild foods and medicines, outdoor play, activities, and garden projects to connect each participant to the beautiful scenes of nature.

How Does It Work?

The fundamental premise of nature therapy is that the well-being of humans is intimately bound to the well-being of the planet. Nurturing our relationship with nature is key for maintaining our mental well-being. This can involve activities like caring for animals, taking a stroll in a park, watching a sunset, or simply noticing the feeling of grass beneath your feet. Nature therapy can also encompass activities or therapies in which you are formally guided by therapists and trained leaders.

Benefits of Nature Therapy Include:

  1. Stress Reduction

  2. Enhancement of Cognitive Function

  3. Improvement in Mental Health

  4. Physical Health Benefits

  5. Social and Emotional Growth

Disclaimer: We are not medical doctors or therapists. We do not diagnose illness or prescribe pharmaceuticals. We are wellness consultants and make suggestions relating to nutrition and well-being. None of the information offered here is intended to replace any program that your chosen health professional has prescribed for you. Consult with your healthcare professional before adopting new nutritional or fitness regimens. Any physical or mental assessment made during the course of wellness program components are to measure success and for research purposes only.

Monthly Nature Therapy Groups

On the last Saturday of each month, we gather in support of each other with a small potluck. We offer peer-led support groups, and enjoy light physical fitness on an organic farm to decompress and reset. Join us at our next event. Don’t forget to bring a healthy snack or drink to share, your yoga mat, and a positive attitude! Visit our events HERE.

Registration Requirements:

  • Must be at least 18 years old.

  • Must identify as Black, Indigenous, Person of Color, African-American or ADOS.

  • Must have access to a computer/device capable of joining Zoom meetings and participation in group meetings for online workshops. The address for on-site workshops will be provided.

  • Must schedule free consultation with Alisa McDuff no less than 2 days before start of workshop, to discuss health and diet restrictions for safety.

  • Must register for Nature Therapy Workshop 2 days prior to start day to receive Participant ID.

12-Week Programs Include:

Ten 6-hour workshops covering 4 of the 40-hour core materials. Each workshop includes Please review our C.A.R.E. Calendar to review upcoming workshops.

  • Week 1: Orientation In-Person: farm tour, safety training, pre-assessment and pre-screenings, networking luncheon, books and materials.

  • Week 2: Workshop 1: TBD

  • Week 3: Workshop 2 : TBD

  • Week 4: Workshop 3: TBD

  • Week 5: Workshop 4: TBD

  • Week 6: Workshop 5: TBD

  • Week 7: Workshop 6: TBD

  • Week 8: Workshop 7: TBD

  • Week 9: Workshop 8: TBD

  • Week 10: Workshop 9: TBD

  • Week 11: Workshop 10: TBD

  • Week 12: Graduation: celebratory ceremony luncheon.

  • Referral: graduates are referred to mentorship program and community partners for additional services.

Costs: $60 per workshop, per person

Workshops may include up to 25 participants on Zoom/In-Person. Interested participants must schedule a free consultation with Alisa McDuff at least 2 days prior to the first day of each registered Healing Circle to assess health. To Sponsor a Participant, please visit HERE.

Interested and Want to help?

Sponsor A Participant

The Sponsor-A-Participant (SAP) Program is an opportunity to make a personal connection with campers who need financial assistance to attend camp. Your sponsorship gives them an opportunity to accept challenges in a manageable environment, build self-confidence, and gain a sense of independence.