Healing Circle

Book a 1:1 Coaching Session with Annie Sayo

9-Day New Moon Healing Circles hosted by Annie Sayo

With every New Moon C.A.R.E. offers Healing Circles for those interested in joining us. We fast from processed foods; reset our digestive systems; and reduce stress with yoga and meditation. 

Healing Circle: 9-day nutritional detox, journal, guided meditation, and yoga for beginners is repeated three times at the start of each New Moon.


To learn another way to clean the body, mind and spirit as a collective; To deepen attunement with ourselves in relation to family, friends and broader community; And, to improve the relationship with food and Mother Nature. 

Prior to colonization, food represented culture, community, identity and way of life. Colonization introduced new crops and different ways of food prep that made indigenous populations susceptible to disease and death. Much of the food culture of indigenous people were erased by Europeans, which introduced many Black Indigenous People Of Color (BIPOC) communities to health ailments and continues to affect the BIPOC communities in larger numbers than people of European descent. 

Colonization created centuries of trauma among BIPOC communities through ravaging our native lands, culture and people; Hence, the generational trauma infected our current history and way of life. This has led working class and people of color communities to have less access to affordable health care, healthier options of food choices, affordable housing, education and much more. 

People of color, historically, have had to bare the burden of this historical trauma. This trauma has impacted the central nervous system and DNA expression inter-generationally. Introducing our bodies to a healthier way of eating and being can reconstruct the DNA.

Colonialism and Capitalism was designed to divide, conquer and destroy so the purpose of this Healing Circle is to counter this tactic by uplifting our minds, bodies and spirits WHOLE-istically in unity.

Our innate being of flowing harmoniously in the feminine and masculine energy resides in humans, but the disconnection deteriorated with the slaughter of our ancestral traditions, culture, land and ways of living through colonization. Continuous cleansing properly in a whole way can be a way to assist in restoring this balance.

What does this cleanse entail?

I purposefully align this cleanse with the new moon. As we approach a new phase of growth, I will facilitate our processing through journal writing prompts and discussions in relation to Goddess Luna’s offerings to gain the most from this cleanse. Circles gather before and during the cleanse via zoom for 30 minutes each gathering, and we will have a text thread to use with the purpose of support and offer questions and insight during the cleanse. 

This 9 Day cleanse can be found in the book Cleanse To Heal by Anthony William.

Disclosure: All consultations or Women Of Color Healing Circles are intended to offer an insight into a person’s health and well-being and meant for suggestion purposes only.  These consultations and circles do not, in any way, constitute legal, financial or professional advice.  By engaging in services, you understand that the suggestions do not diagnose illnesses, including questions pertaining to pregnancy and death.  I will not be liable for the death or personal injury resulting from the negligence on my behalf, or for fraudulent misrepresentation.  You understand that the use of these services rely for referencing purposes and is not intended to be regarded as professional judgment or advice.

Since references to the future and outcomes are based on potentials, possibilities, and probabilities at the time of the consultations or Women Of Color Healing Circles based on your actions and other people’s actions or in-actions and due to interpretation as to what was said at the time of the consultations or circles you understand that there is no guarantee on the accuracy rate of a session or consultation and it is not medical advice, nor do these services imply or infer such.

Disclaimer: We are not medical doctors or therapists. We do not diagnose illness or prescribe pharmaceuticals. We are wellness consultants and make suggestions relating to nutrition and well-being. None of the information offered here is intended to replace any program that your chosen health professional has prescribed for you. Consult with your healthcare professional before adopting new nutritional or fitness regimens. Any physical or mental assessment made during the course of wellness program components are to measure success and for research purposes only.

Registration Requirements:

  • Must be at least 18 years old.

  • Must identify as Black, Indigenous, Person of Color, African-American or ADOS.

  • Must have access to a computer/device capable of joining Zoom meetings and participation in group meetings.

  • Must schedule free consultation with Annie Sayo no less than 2 days before start of workshop, to discuss health and diet restrictions for safety.

  • Must register for Healing Circle 2 days prior to start to receive Participant ID.

9-Day Circle Includes:

  • Orientation: Annie Sayo connects with each participant via email 2 days prior to the first day of each registered Healing Circle. Scheduled events beginning Day 1 will be group meetings.

  • Day 1: journal prompt for group chat

  • Day 2: journal prompt for group chat

  • Day 3: journal prompt, peer support, yin yoga, guided meditation

  • Day 4: journal prompt for group chat

  • Day 5: journal prompt for group chat

  • Day 6: journal prompt, peer support, yin yoga, guided meditation

  • Day 7: journal prompt for group chat

  • Day 8: journal prompt for group chat

  • Day 9: journal prompt, peer support, yin yoga, guided meditation

Costs: $50 per person

Each Healing Circle may include up to 25 participants on Zoom/In-Person. Interested participants must schedule a free consultation with Annie Sayo at least 2 days prior to the first day of each registered Healing Circle to assess health. To Sponsor a Participant, please visit HERE.

Interested and Want to help?

Sponsor A Participant

The Sponsor-A-Participant (SAP) Program is an opportunity to make a personal connection with campers who need financial assistance to attend camp. Your sponsorship gives them an opportunity to accept challenges in a manageable environment, build self-confidence, and gain a sense of independence.