Welcome to the C.A.R.E. Wellness Center

Upcoming Events

The C.A.R.E. Wellness Center is a 501(c)3 charity founded in 2020 and based in Washington state. Christlike Agro-Tourism for Racial Equality (or C.A.R.E.) is tasked with developing safe, holistic spaces for people of color and allies of equality to retreat and combat effects of Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome (PTSS). Our program focuses on self-mastery, and the holistic balancing of, what we call, The Holy Trinity: mind, body, and spirit.

C.A.R.E. is non-religious and non-denominational, while maintaining its roots in the lifetime journey to understanding, and acceptance with faith in unconditional love. Our techniques are universal, including principles found in Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and A Course In Miracles. Our mission is to foster inclusion of all people in a collaborated effort for inner peace; less ego, less fear, less guilt, and less shame.


Join our Healing Circles. Explore tools like meditation and yoga. Participate in Self-Advocacy and Nature Therapy workshops that remind you of who you are at your core and how you are a part of more. Rebuild your confidence and be your most authentic self.


Travel to minority-owned, organic farms to learn more about cultural perpetuity, self-governance, sustainability, minimalism, and climate responsibility. Acquire employable skills while enjoying the peace and rehabilitation from nature and community service.

Racial Justice

Allow your wellness to become your activism. Experience wellness programs that support you with counseling and empower you with BIPOC-centered DEI training, to unlearn toxic habits, and remove the barriers that limit your ability to fully integrate into your body, your family, and your local and global communities.


Work With Us

Photo taken in March 2024 by volunteers: this image includes volunteers and members of C.A.R.E., GRuB farm, and Dancing Goats & Singing Chickens farm. Location: Dancing Goats & Singing Chickens farm in Yelm, WA